About Wattan
Wattan is an independent and secular media organisation based in Ramallah, Palestine. It was established in 1996 by three civil society organisations. Over the past two decades, Wattan has established itself as an important voice for Palestinian citizens, civil society, marginalised communities and groups, women and most notably youth. Our team of reporters, correspondents and experts in the West Bank and Gaza provide wide ranging reporting and programming on issues of public concern, including sensitive and controversial topics such as public sector corruption, unemployment and so-called honour killings, which are rarely covered by mainstream Palestinian media.
Press Freedom Award
In 2012 the Former Prime Minister Salam Fayyad awarded Wattan for the outstanding investigative report on construction permits law in Ramallah that gives unwarranted privileges to large investors.
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Award from ARIJ for Investigative Journalism Report
In 2013 Wattan was one of the three media outlets to receive an award from Reporters for Arab Investigative Journalism (ARIJ). Wattan received this award for its critical investigative report about the exploitation of Palestinian female employees in Israeli settlements in the Jordan Valley.
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Award from AMEEN Media Network for Promoting Palestinian Female Journalism
In 2013, a Wattan female journalist received an award for excellence in promoting Palestinian female journalism. The award was given from AMEEN media network in cooperation with Women’s Technical committee.
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Award from the Journalist Friends of Local Government
In April 2015, Wattan was ranked second in the category of visual Media in “The Journalist Friends of Local Government” competition in Ramallah, which was organized by the Ministry of Local Government in cooperation with the German Development Agency (GIZ).
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